Saturday, January 25, 2014

OF Disappointments and Unfairness of Life

Disappointments have a special way of showing up just when you don't need them most. That is the first thought to cross my mind as I watched the train leave the platform. We were supposed to be on that train; however, we could only watch it with dismay from across the tracks. It was a holiday that we had been looking forward to for a very long time; I kept thinking as we dragged our bags back home. If only we had left five minutes earlier, if only there wasn't that much traffic on the road, if only the cabbie had taken a different road; if only...this hadn't happened to me.

Even if this had to happen, I wish it wouldn't have happened today. No!! how could we have missed THIS trip!! The mind wouldn't stop calling this unfair and curse life for being unjust at times. 'At times?!?!'...a second thought smirked its way in. 'Are you not lucky that life is unjust to you only at times. Don't you feel lucky to have so many things come so easily to you?' An image hurried across my mind.

Every time I passed through the market to pick to the missus, I saw this couple sit near a turning. Weary faced, probably in their 80s, this couple sat by the road selling petty things like combs & draw strings; things that don't cost more than 5-10 bucks and things that you would buy only occasionally. How much would they be making daily? 50-60 bucks? or 100 at best? I wonder how fair life would feel if at 80 you are to sit on the road daily to earn 100 bucks in an expensive city like Mumbai.