Curiosity is no strange an attribute to humans. The curiosity over an apple led to the discovery of gravity and sex!! Difficult to say which ones greater than the other but definitely more people are thankful for the latter than the former (had Adam not eaten the apple we wouldn't have been in existence!!). Anyways, allow me to trace the reason for this post.
A week back, someone having stumbled upon my blog called me an avid blogger - which made me think whether I really am one? Looking at the number of posts I write in a month I wouldn't call myself a blogger, forget being avid. So i thought maybe its not about how much I write but about how many people read what I write. Well, that number wasn't really encouraging either (check the counter on the bottom of the right panel). So then I started blog-browsing and realised that the most read or most updated blogs are the ones where people write about their daily lives and experiences.
Penning thoughts and experiences has been a practice of humans since time immemorial - a practice that created history, literally!!. But personal details have not been public except in autobiographies or until the recent internet era. For the kids born in the era of google, facebook and myspace making a public diary and peeping into other's such diaries is a common habit. As for me, blogging was always about penning thoughts, and just thoughts. I don't really appreciate someone peeping into my personal life so easily. Maybe that's why my earlier blog was not easily traceable (although I didn't write anything personal directly!!).
As for those wirting public diaries, I doubt the completeness or honesty of such posts (no offence meant). I wonder how much would their conscious allow them to write all that they felt to the public at large. Wouldnt their conscious act as an editor or a censor board and cut down on details? I am not blaming them of dishonestly but then we all have secrets to hide, right? Some blogs that i read did mention a lot of those secrets, but then the author's identity was not revealed there. So what fun would one derive in reading half-truths (i wanted to write half-facts, but I am not sure if that is an accpetable phrase)?
There is no clear answer to this question just as there is no right or wrong in penning a public diary. Its a matter of belief and mine doesn't allow me to pen diaries for the public (not like I pen one for myself). But one thing is for sure, by no means am I an avid blogger!! :)
I am no cynic, but sometimes I like to behave like one!!
A week back, someone having stumbled upon my blog called me an avid blogger - which made me think whether I really am one? Looking at the number of posts I write in a month I wouldn't call myself a blogger, forget being avid. So i thought maybe its not about how much I write but about how many people read what I write. Well, that number wasn't really encouraging either (check the counter on the bottom of the right panel). So then I started blog-browsing and realised that the most read or most updated blogs are the ones where people write about their daily lives and experiences.
Penning thoughts and experiences has been a practice of humans since time immemorial - a practice that created history, literally!!. But personal details have not been public except in autobiographies or until the recent internet era. For the kids born in the era of google, facebook and myspace making a public diary and peeping into other's such diaries is a common habit. As for me, blogging was always about penning thoughts, and just thoughts. I don't really appreciate someone peeping into my personal life so easily. Maybe that's why my earlier blog was not easily traceable (although I didn't write anything personal directly!!).
As for those wirting public diaries, I doubt the completeness or honesty of such posts (no offence meant). I wonder how much would their conscious allow them to write all that they felt to the public at large. Wouldnt their conscious act as an editor or a censor board and cut down on details? I am not blaming them of dishonestly but then we all have secrets to hide, right? Some blogs that i read did mention a lot of those secrets, but then the author's identity was not revealed there. So what fun would one derive in reading half-truths (i wanted to write half-facts, but I am not sure if that is an accpetable phrase)?
There is no clear answer to this question just as there is no right or wrong in penning a public diary. Its a matter of belief and mine doesn't allow me to pen diaries for the public (not like I pen one for myself). But one thing is for sure, by no means am I an avid blogger!! :)
I am no cynic, but sometimes I like to behave like one!!
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